Athletics training for children

We offer athletics training to children aged 4-14 in the summer school terms (terms 1 and 4).

Our trained coaches teach the NZ Athletics endorsed Get Set Go and Run Jump Throw programmes at the Caledonian Ground on Mondays. Warm up is at 5:45pm and training runs from 6-7pm.

All new members welcome from age 4-14. Join online here

If you have any queries, please email

Keep an eye on our Facebook page arikichildrensathletics to get updates and news on Term and Start dates.

Training night tips

Please be there at least 5-10 minutes before the start times, to help the evenings run efficiently.

Parents are encouraged to join in and help on training night for all ages so please come in comfortable clothing and be ready to have a go. 

Grade 10-14 children who own spikes need to bring these each Monday club night so that more effective sprint and hurdle training is possible.

Please do not bring valuables to Monday Club nights or to Saturday competition. This includes jewellery, mobile phones, etc.

If there is poor weather on a training night we will advise via our children's page via Facebook page for Ariki Children's Athletics by 4pm

Competing on Saturdays

Saturday morning competition starts at 9am so please be there at 8.45am for a warm up.

A competition number, Colgate Age-Grade Patch and correct club uniform (Ariki top and any plain black shorts) must be worn by all athletes at all events. On very cold days, clothing may be worn under the Ariki top, but it must be plain black or white.

You can get the competition number and age patch at the start-of-season information night (27 September 6-7.30pm Bayfield Pavilion).

Saturday Track Events

(2 track events each week on a rotating schedule)

60m, 80m, 100m,1500m, Race Walk and relay (athletes can only do 4 events per day, excl. relays)

Saturday field events

(2 track events each week on a rotating schedule)

Long Jump, Discus, Kit/Vortex(up to Grade 9), Shot Put, High Jump (10th grade and up)

Parent help

Ariki Club runs the discus circles on Saturdays and parents are required to help set it up at 8.30am and then to help officials run it throughout the event. You will receive a roster of when you it is your turn near the start of the season. The tasks are basic such as collecting the discus after it has been thrown or writing down scores etc.

Facebook:  arikichildrensathletics/  


Parents are reminded that all children must be actively supervised by a responsible caregiver whilst at the Caledonian Ground, for the entire meeting.  This is a requirement imposed by Otago Children’s and cannot be fulfilled by club officials.

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