What is Harriers?
Harriers is generally characterised as middle to long distance running (and walking) events from 1500m and up. These can range from cross-country events to road races with a large degree of variety between each event.
On our club days, we set off in packs according to individual speed from slow to medium and fast. These are social runs and walks, and are usually around an hour, after which we return for a cuppa and afternoon tea together.
The harrier season runs from early April until early October. Harriers run from the venue for their club runs - you can find the variation of events on the Winter Programme on this site most Saturdays during this period.
***Our Programme will appear under the 'Programme' tab once it is firmed up. Once it has been confirmed it can be printed by clicking on right click on the mouse and 'print' If you prefer an emailed version please contact the club on ariki.athletics.club@gmail.com. However you can 'like' us on Facebook 'Ariki Athletics and Harrier Club Dunedin' or refer to the ODT Sports Draw or Star paper section 'Whats On' for details of what we are doing as a club.
General Details
Club runs & walks meeting time is 1:30pm if at the Guthrie Pavilion, Bayfield Park, Andersons Bay. We aim to head out at 1:45pm. Feel free to bring a plate to share towards afternoon tea.
Wednesday night walks/runs are being held from the Guthrie Pavilion, Bayfield High School grounds heading out at 5:30pm sharp.
Tuesday and Wednesday training please phone A.J. on 486 7765.
Our new Facebook page is: Ariki Athletics and Harriers Club Dunedin