Race Results for Ariki Athletics
Recent results
Ariki combined 5km Handicapped event Bayfield Inlet with various clubs held on Sat 27th May 2023
Athletics NZ round up article 1st April on Shay Veitch's performances:
Results re World XC Champs Bathurst Sat 18th Feb 2023 - link below:
Timetable | Bathurst 23 | World Athletics Cross Country Championships
The Otago Champs 11th & 12th February 2023
2022 Inlet - Ariki 5km 27/5/2022 - after Netty's memorial | |||||||||
Perfect, mild, calm conditions | |||||||||
Bayfield Inlet | 3 laps of inner inlet, track/causeway (clockwise) | ||||||||
5km | |||||||||
Estimated | Start time | Across Line | Actual | ||||||
Dalise Sanderson | 27.00 | Go | 26.30 | 26.30 | |||||
Tracy | 25.00 | 2.00 | 27.14 | 25.14 | |||||
Rebecca | 25.00 | 2.00 | 27.14 | 25.14 | |||||
Rob Homan | 24.00 | 3.00 | 27.19 | 24.19 | |||||
Phil Napper | 22.00 | 5.00 | 26.36 | 21.36 | |||||
Russell Lund | 21.30 | 5.30 | 25.23 | 19.53 | |||||
Brent Halley | 21.30 | 5.30 | 26.48 | 21.18 | |||||
Eddie Smith | 19.30 | 7.30 | 26.41 | 19.11 | |||||
Xaviour Walker | 18.30 | 8.30 | 26.18 | 17.48 | |||||
Will Smith | 18.00 | 9.00 | 26.11 | 17.11 | |||||
Across Line | Eatimated | Start time | Actual | ||||||
Russell Lund | 25.23 | 21.30 | 5.30 | 19.53 | |||||
Will Smith | 26.11 | 18.00 | 9.00 | 17.11 | |||||
Xaviour Walker | 26.18 | 18.30 | 8.30 | 17.48 | |||||
Dalise Sanderson | 26.30 | 27.00 | Go | 26.30 | |||||
Phil Napper | 26.36 | 22.00 | 5.00 | 21.36 | |||||
Eddie Smith | 26.41 | 19.30 | 7.30 | 19.11 | |||||
Brent Halley | 26.48 | 21.30 | 5.30 | 21.18 | |||||
Tracy | 27.14 | 25.00 | 2.00 | 25.14 | |||||
Rebecca | 27.14 | 25.00 | 2.00 | 25.14 | |||||
Rob Homan | 27.19 | 24.00 | 3.00 | 24.19 | |||||
Actual | Eatimated | Start time | Across Line | ||||||
Will Smith | 17.11 | 18.00 | 9.00 | 26.11 | |||||
Xaviour Walker | 17.48 | 18.30 | 8.30 | 26.18 | |||||
Eddie Smith | 19.11 | 19.30 | 7.30 | 26.41 | |||||
Russell Lund | 19.53 | 21.30 | 5.30 | 25.23 | |||||
Brent Halley | 21.18 | 21.30 | 5.30 | 26.48 | |||||
Phil Napper | 21.36 | 22.00 | 5.00 | 26.36 | |||||
Rob Homan | 24.19 | 24.00 | 3.00 | 27.19 | |||||
Tracy | 25.14 | 25.00 | 2.00 | 27.14 | |||||
Rebecca | 25.14 | 25.00 | 2.00 | 27.14 | |||||
Dalise Sanderson | 26.30 | 27.00 | Go | 26.30 | |||||
Actual | Eatimated | Difference | |||||||
Russell Lund | 19.53 | 21.30 | -1.37 | ||||||
Will Smith | 17.11 | 18.00 | -0.49 | ||||||
Xaviour Walker | 17.48 | 18.30 | -0.42 | ||||||
Dalise Sanderson | 26.30 | 27.00 | -0.30 | ||||||
Phil Napper | 21.36 | 22.00 | -0.24 | ||||||
Eddie Smith | 19.11 | 19.30 | -0.19 | ||||||
Brent Halley | 21.18 | 21.30 | -0.12 | ||||||
Tracy | 25.14 | 25.00 | 0.14 | ||||||
Rebecca | 25.14 | 25.00 | 0.14 | ||||||
Rob Homan | 24.19 | 24.00 | 0.19 | ||||||
Otago Cross Country Championships held 18 July 2021
Girls Under 12 2km: Julia Hodgson (CAVH) 9:11, 1; Penelope Hodgson (CAVH) 9:40, 2.
Boys Under 12 2km: Archie Rhodes (HCYU) 9:11, 1; Craig Jr Iversen (INVG) 9:40, 2; Samuel McHutchon (TAIR) 3.
Girls Under 14 3km:Lila Rhodes (HCYU) 13:08, 1; Bea Christie (INVG) 13:37, 2; Kotomiyo Cowell (ARIK) 14:26, 3; Lola Saunders (ARIK) 15:20, 4.
Boys Under 14 3km: William Harrex (TAIR) 12:41, 1; Henry Hodgson (CAVH) 13:01, 2; Joshua Geddes (UNRG) 15:41, 3; Alex Walker (HCYU) 17:17, 4.
Girls Under 16 4km: Kimberley Iversen (INVG) 15:39, 1; Siena Mackley (QTWN) 17:02, 2; Georgia McHutchon (TAIR) 3; Anya Rhodes (HCYU) 19:26, 4.
Boys Under 16 4km: Angus Loe (NOTG) 14:28, 1; James Mcleay (STPL) 14:32, 2; Camden Burge (NOTG) 14:50, 3; Jude Deaker (QTWN) 14:51, 4; Harry Summers (CAVH) 15:47, 5.
Boys Under 16 Team's Race: North Otago (Angus Loe, Camden Burge, Quinn Burge) 11 points, 1. 11:28, 1;
Women Under 18 5km: Hannah Prosser (UNRG) 19:31, 1; Zara Geddes (HCYU) 20:02, 2; Catherine Lund (ARIK) 20:07, 3; Anna Carswell (HCYU) 24:26, 4.
Men Under 18 6km: George Hamilton (HCYU) 20:55, 1; Jake Owen (HCYU) 22:29, 2; Matthew Bolter (HCYU) 23:44, 3.
Men Under 18 Team's Race: Hill City University (George Hamilton, Jake Owen, Matthew Bolter) 6 points, 1.
Women Under 20 6km: Becky De La Harpe (CAVH) 25:45, 1; Megan Foster (HCYU) 26:46, 2.
Men Under 20 8km: Jacob Weston (HCYU) 27:43, 1; Reuben Beard (HCYU) 28:57, 2; Benjamin Britton (QTWN) 29:12, 3; Leo
Staufenberg (LEIT) 29:14, 4.
Men Under 20 Team's Race: Hill City University (Jacob Weston, Reuben Beard, Josh Hou) 9 points, 1.
Masters Women 35-49 6km: Claire Anderton (CAVH) 27:51, 1; Georgina Pakeho (HCYU) 29:05, 2; Leia Silby (HCYU) 29:43, 3.
Masters Men 35-49 8km: Nic Bathgate (LEIT) 29:42, 1; Ben Wreford (RTIM) 30:23, 2; Craig Iversen (INVG) 30:35, 3; Tim Bolter (HCYU) 30:52, 4, Andrew Lonie (LEIT) 31:13, 5.
Masters Men 35-49 Team's Race: Leith (Nic Bathgate, Andrew Lonie Richard Campbell) 12 points, 1; Hill City University 22 points, 2; Leith 2 29 points, 3.
Masters Women 50+ 6km: Shireen Crumpton (HCYU) 26:56, 1; Julie Wilson (ARIK) 29:49, 2; Sue Hendry (ARIK) 31:08, 3;
Masters Women 50+ Team's Race: Ariki (Julie Wilson, Sue Hendry, Dalise Sanderson) 12 points, 1; Hill City University 15 points, 2.
Masters Men 50-64 8km:Robbie Johnston (HCYU) 30:37, 1; Glen McSkimming (ARIK) 34:03, 2; Dave Sharp (CAVH) 35:57, 3.
Masters Men 50-64 Team's Race: Caversham (Dave Sharp, Gordon Wong, Neville Shanks) 22 points, 1.
Masters Men 65+ 6km: Phil Napper (ARIK) 28:15, 1; Philip Morris (HCYU) 30:39, 2; Ken Fahey (CAVH) 34:23, 3.
Senior Women 10km: Margie Campbell (HCYU) 41:25, 1; Liliana Braun (HCYU) 41:58, 2; Kristy Eyles (CAVH) 43:24, 3.
Senior Men 10km:Janus Staufenberg (LEIT) 32:51, 1; Caden Shields (DGRS) 32:57, 2; Daniel Balchin (CANU) 33:16, 3; Russell Green (HCYU) 34:25, 4; Oliver O'Sullivan (HCYU) 34:28, 5.
Senior Men Team's Race: HIll City University (Russell Green, Oliver O'Sullivan, Kirk Madgwick, Logan Slee) 23 points , 1; Leith 47 points, 2; Hill City University 2 53 points, 3.
Joe Gough Memorial Trophy for Club with Most Points in Relays: Hill City University 22 points, 1; Leith 9 points, 2; Ariki, Caversham, North Otago 5 points, 3=.
Margaret Knox
16/06/21 Congratulations goes to Catherine Lund in the U19 won the Otago Secondary School Champs recently. And we wish her all the best for this weekend where she is competing in Hawera in the Secondary Schools X Country Champs in the North Island. Go well! Well done everyone who were hardy competitors on Sunday at Kettle Park's Barnes X Country and those helping put up and take down the course. Thanks heaps. See the article link below for further information or refer to Monday 14th June's paper. Great to the green and white shirts flying with Kotomiyo, Charlotte & Lola lining the starter's picture. Kotomiyo Cowell did claim the U16 open title and gaining 5th place in open Women's competition and second fastest in U16. Great work done there!
Women set pace at first combined Barnes Cross-country | Otago Daily Times Online News (odt.co.nz)
Well done to all our marshal volunteers, and of course the entrants; Gene & Dalise Sanderson, Sue Cuthbert, Phil Napper, Catherine Lund, Grayson Westgate, Melanie Button, Jennifer & Xaviour Walker who competed at the Athletics NZ Cross Country Challenge last Saturday. Please find results on the following website: https://athletics.org.nz/athletics-nz-cross-country-challenge-results/
And take a look at some great footage of the event above on this link via utube: https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=nz+cross+country+challenge
Rotary Park Cross Country 2020 (27th June) | |||||
(Ariki, Hill City, Leith) | |||||
Seniors - 4 Laps | |||||
Name | Actual | Time | Handicap | ||
Cormac Moore (2 laps) | 15.13 | 21.13 | 6:00 | ||
Catherine Lund (3 laps) | 15.25 | 29.55 | 14:30 | ||
Lila Rhodes (3 laps) | 19.14 | 30.14 | 11:00 | ||
Oli O'Sullivan | 19.26 | 36.56 | 17:30 | ||
Luke Geddes | 20.02 | 35.02 | 15:00 | ||
Matt Bixley | 20.25 | 35.25 | 15:00 | ||
Dwayne Sheddan | 21.12 | 35.42 | 14:30 | ||
Mark O'Neill | 21.14 | 36.44 | 15:30 | ||
Brent Halley | 21.44 | 36.14 | 14:30 | ||
Eric Scharpf | 21.51 | 36.21 | 14:30 | ||
Mark O'Donnell | 21.55 | 36.25 | 14:30 | ||
Mark Geddes | 22.13 | 33.13 | 11:00 | ||
Caitlan O'Donnell | 22.20 | 34.20 | 12:00 | ||
Tim Dawbin | 22.20 | 36.50 | 14:30 | ||
Sarah Rhodes | 23.49 | 35.49 | 12:00 | ||
Georgina Pakeho | 24.28 | 36.28 | 12:00 | ||
Danny O'Sullivan | 30.36 | 36.36 | 6:00 | ||
Cathy Weatherston | 34.27 | 35.27 | 1:00 | ||
David Mackle | 35.48 | 36.48 | 1:00 | ||
Helen Collins | 37.05 | 37.05 | 0:00 | ||
Kirsty Gillon (-1min, DNF) | DNF | DNF | 0:00 | ||
Barbara Patrick (DNF) | DNF | DNF | 4:00 | ||
Christine Montgomery (DNF) | DNF | DNF | 12:00 | ||
Russell Lund (3 laps) | 15.24 | DNF | 14:30 |
- Shay Veitch (ODT sports supplement Mon 18th November 2019) “Shay Veitch is quickly turning into the star of the summer”. Quote: The 18-year-old Ariki athlete lifted himself to eighth in the senior national 100m rankings at the Caledonian Ground on Saturday. His time of 10.74sec, into a slight headwind, broke the personal best he set two weeks ago by 0.03sec. It was just his fourth competitive 100m race. He also ran 48.51sec in the 400m, ranking sixth in the country and the top for his age-group.
- ODT Mon 19th Nov '19: Rising Star Veitch scorches his way up the ranking list https://www.odt.co.nz/sport/athletics/rising-star-veitch-scorches-way-ranking-list
- ODT Sat 9th Nov '19: Shay Veitch strung together a run of incredible results at the Caledonian Ground in Dunedin over the past month.
Last Saturday he ran a lightning 10.77sec 100m, to go with a 21.63sec 200m - which was marginally wind-assisted.
He also put out a 7.19m long jump, while last month he clocked a 49.18sec 400m.
Those performances rate alongside the best by any Otago athlete in many years.
See article for further details: https://www.odt.co.nz/sport/athletics/hard-work-paying-veitch
- Great work to Shay Veitch who Saturday 12th Oct '19 at the Caledonian Grounds with winning both the men's 400m and long jump. See article link below for further details.
KIDS CROSS COUNTRY SERIES - Rotary Park Sun 18th Aug 2019 | ||||
0/1yrs - Male (800m) | ||||
First Name | Last Name | Gender | Place | Time |
Max | Burgess | Male | 1st | 2.41 |
Harris | O'Sullivan | Male | 2nd | 2.43 |
Sam | McKee | Male | 3rd | 2.43 |
Preston | Wall | Male | 4th | 2.45 |
Finn | Devlin | Male | 5th | 3.04 |
Lewis | Sheed | Male | 6th | 3.08 |
Walter | Sheed | Male | 7th | 3.29 |
Jack | McKee | Male | 8th | 3.37 |
0/1yrs - Female (800m) | ||||
First Name | Last Name | Gender | Place | Time |
Charlotte | Keenan | Female | 1st | 2.50 |
Erin | Loo | Female | 2nd | 3.09 |
Linda | Mi | Female | 3rd | 3.21 |
Leah | Steel | Female | 4th | 4.00 |
Ella | Burgess | Female | 5th | 4.01 |
2yrs - Male (1.2km) | ||||
First Name | Last Name | Gender | Place | Time |
Colton | Russell | Male | 1st | 5.08 |
Finn | Kennedy | Male | 2nd | 5.24 |
Lincoln | Spenser | Male | 3rd | 5.41 |
2yrs - Female (1.2km) | ||||
First Name | Last Name | Gender | Place | Time |
Lana | Watt | Female | 1st | 6.01 |
Mila | Wharepapa | Female | 2nd | 6.36 |
3yrs - Male (1.7km) | ||||
First Name | Last Name | Gender | Place | Time |
Max | Devlin | Male | 1st | 8.45 |
Freddy | Ma | Male | 2nd | 9.46 |
3yrs - Female (1.7km) | ||||
First Name | Last Name | Gender | Place | Time |
Ruby | Burgess | Female | 1st | 7.39 |
4yrs - Male (1.7km) | ||||
First Name | Last Name | Gender | Place | Time |
Lucas | Wharepapa | Male | 1st | 7.25 |
4yrs - Female (1.7km) | ||||
First Name | Last Name | Gender | Place | Time |
Grace Sina | Steel | Female | 1st | 7.39 |
Lucy | Loo | Female | 2nd | 9.49 |
Leila | Wall | Female | 3rd | 9.55 |
5yrs - Male (2.4km) | ||||
First Name | Last Name | Gender | Place | Time |
Sam | Hobbs | Male | 1st | 9.13 |
Gregor | Watt | Male | 2nd | 9.17 |
Zeke | Gebreisadik | Male | 3rd | 10.38 |
5yrs - Female (2.4km) | ||||
First Name | Last Name | Gender | Place | Time |
Charlotte | Summers | Female | 1st | 9.08 |
Taylor | Keenan | Female | 2nd | 10.52 |
6yrs - Male (2.4km) | ||||
First Name | Last Name | Gender | Place | Time |
Alex | Walker | Male | 1st | 10.50 |
6yrs - Female (2.4km) | ||||
First Name | Last Name | Gender | Place | Time |
Kotomiyo | Cowell | Female | 1st | 8.54 |
Rahwa Amy | Steel | Female | 2nd | 10.37 |
Mia | Wall | Female | 3rd | 11.33 |
Samantha | Sherriff | Female | 4th | 12.05 |
7yrs - Male (2.4km) | ||||
First Name | Last Name | Gender | Place | Time |
Joel | Bain | Male | 1st | 9.08 |
7yrs - Female (2.4km) | ||||
First Name | Last Name | Gender | Place | Time |
Emelia | Adamson | Female | 1st | 9.21 |
(**see two pages of screen shots of full results near the bottom of this page).
Final Standings
- Shireen Crumpton
- Georgy Pakeho
- Ali Craigie
Fastest Times
- Kirsty O’Sullivan – 38:00
- Shireen Crumpton – 38:06
- Alli Craigie – 38:14
- Luke Geddes
- Tim Dawbin
- George Hamilton
Fastest Times
- Ollie O’Sullivan – 30:02
- Alistair Richardson – 31:36
- George Hamilton – 32:42
1st man across the line was Gene Sanderson
Otago Cross Country Champs - Waikouaiti Sat 20th July 2019
5km | Across | Actual Time | 3km | ||||||
Haandicap | Line | Actual | |||||||
Aaron Anderson | 17.30 | 35.12 | 17.42 | Catherine Lund | 12.00 | approx | |||
Grayson Westgate | 16.00 | 34.43 | 18.43 | Ben Lund | 13.2 | approx | |||
Aaron Porter | 15.30 | 34.02 | 18.32 | ||||||
Melanie Button | 4.34 | 1km | |||||||
Brent Halley | 13.30 | 34.34 | 20.04 | ||||||
Russell Lund | 14.30 | 34.30 | 21.00 | ||||||
Phil Napper | 13.30 | 33.35 | 20.05 | ||||||
Murray Jensen-McCloy | 11.30 | 32.58 | 21.28 | ||||||
Sue Cuthbert | 11.30 | 34.18 | 22.48 | ||||||
Alice Cuthbert | 11.30 | 34.56 | 23.26 | ||||||
Gwen Pinches | 11.30 | 34.13 | 22.43 |
Sarah Langsbury broke 5 records at Otago Champs
Phil Napper: Here are the 65yr + records in 400m, 800m, 1500m and 5km since the start of the track interclub season at the Caledonian Grounds
Aaron Anderson: won the Ness Cup Mile 9 Feb '19, 10km Otago Championships retained his title 33m 50.29s Dec '18.
Phil Napper:
Here are the 65yr + records in 400m, 800m, 1500m and 5km since the start of the track interclub season at the Caledonian
27 Oct 2018, 800m - 2m35s
3 Nov 2018, 1500m - 5m18s
3 Nov 2018, 400m - 67.8s
24 Nov 2018, 800m – 2m33s
8 Dec 2018, 1500m – 5m10s
8 Dec 2018, 400m – 66.3s
19 Jan 2019, 800m – 2m 30s
26 Jan 2019, 400m – 66.1s
27 Jan 2019, 5km – 19m 50s
2 Feb 2019, 800m - 2m 27s
same day: Julie Wilson MW61 800m - 3m 03.13s